In at least some european countries squatting is legal under certain circumstances, and if its done properly (and with some luck) it can be very hard for the authorities to displace squatters. Squatter cafes, (often former flats) dot the city and act as social hubs for the network and bases for organizing. The Mollie (anarchist slang for mollitov cocktail) hosts nightly activities such as community dinners, peak-oil preparedness discussions, film screenings, and game nights. Every Monday is the planning meeting for the weekly squatting action.
This site has been occupied now for 4 months. The city recently polled the neighbhors about the lot. They suggested various alternative plans (like a playground or park) and asked what the neighbors wanted. Most said that they actually liked the squatters there. The city will probably shut it down eventually. Fortunately, it could take the bureaucracy well over a year to do so. I wonder how long something like this would last in Washington DC. 24 hrs maybe? Generally, squatting in Europe happens on a level far beyond anywhere in the U.S. Why this level of tolerance, and even acceptance, in Europe?
Squatting still has something of a heroic and romantic quality to it, even for many mainstream Europeans. People seem to feel a sense of sympathy and appreciation for what squatting represents. Fundamentally, squatting is (in part) a protest against homelessness and the exploitation of people through the privitization of a basic human right. I've been reading Earth Democracy by Vandana Shiva. She talks a lot about the concept of the 'commons' and the history of how the commons in Europe and in India were privatized. In the US, holding common land is not a part of our historic consciousness. But it is still part of the European consciousness, and examples of it do still exist in places. I imagine that sympathy for squatting comes in part from a low-level subconscious resentment lingering in collective consciousness over the loss of the commons and the wide-spread institution of wage-slavery over the last few hundred years.
For more info:
Their homepage is It's in Dutch, but if you do a google search for it there will be an option to translate it.
I think they are stealing.
They are stealing a vacant lot ?
To add to the story, the reason that squatting is tolerated by the courts in the Netherlands is that there is acute housing shortage in many places. The "rules" of squatting, as much as their are such, is that the space has to have been unoccupied for a year and there are not current plans with the city for renovation of the space. In absence of this, it is very difficult to hold a squat.
Most successful squatted places in Am*dam are places where the landlords are speculating. They are leaving the apartments vacant, in hopes of getting very high rents for them. The courts, in my mind rightly, have decided the peoples rights to housing are more important than speculators rights to profits.
But what i was really hoping to find on Sky's blog was the story of the police action at Christiania. Perhaps Kas is covering it.
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